Identity Theft

Are you worried about identity theft? These days a lot of people are. That’s why the IRS is testing an identity protection program that will add an additional layer of security to your tax accounts.

The IP PIN is available to all taxpayers who filed a federal return last year from Florida, Georgia or the District of Columbia.

Taxpayers who qualify and want to opt into the program can visit to learn more.

If the IRS has a concern about a suspicious tax return with a real taxpayer’s name and/or Social Security number, they will send you a letter. It’s a specific letter: Letter 5071C (check the upper corner of the letter for the number). If you receive Letter 5071C, you should follow the directions and access If you do not receive a Letter 5071C, you do not need to access the site.

The IRS will not initiate contact with you to verify your identification via email or phone.